Wednesday, October 29, 2008


There are some books that are floating around WSUMC. Almost literally. Take This Bread by Sara Miles is one such book. It has popped into my life, it found its way into one of Mike's recent sermons, and I spied a bag of copies in the sanctuary on Sunday. The Shack by William Young is another one. I know a few folks have read it, I saw it on a coffee table in 112 a few weeks ago, I bought my own copy yesterday, and then a stack found its way to a committee meeting this morning. I haven't read this, but you can be sure that I'll be reading it as soon as possible. I am also reading The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible by A.J. Jacobs. I've only read the first chapter, but its enjoyable and interesting so far. So here you have three books: one I've read, one I intend to read, and one that I am reading. I invite you to join me, share your thoughts as we go along, and add to the list of books we all ought to be reading!

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